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Meet the Founders of Peru Hop!

How a young Irish guy moved to Peru for love, created Peru Hop with his local friends, dealt with all the chaos of creating a company in Peru, somehow avoided bankruptcy, and created the #1 travel company in the country! Read more HERE!

An authentic local Peruvian experience with European standards of safety and service.

Visit hidden gems only locals know that NO public buses stop at

Get to know local Peruvians, learn their culture and get insights into life in Peru

See and do as much as possible in shortest time (or hop off and take longer)

Try Local Food, Pay local prices and feel extremely Safe at all times

Luxury Private Buses EVERY Day for maximum flexibility. No Taxis or Bus Terminals.

Meet Other Travelers from across the world on board and make friends for life.


What is Peru Hop?

Peru Hop is all about discovering the REAL Peru through the eyes of a local Peruvian.

After moving to Peru, we, the Irish owners, reflected and realized we had missed out on so many hidden gems and gained no local cultural insight when we were actual travelers to Peru in the past.

So we partnered with local Peruvians and we created Peru Hop, a unique way of traveling through Peru ensuring travelers have the most authentic local experience possible in a safe and affordable way.

Our unique system means you can buy 1 ticket and hop on and off at cities & towns all over Peru. No bus terminals, no taxis, no stress! Travel at your own pace and discover hidden gems only locals know.

As well as this, we have created spectacular Day Trips ideal for those very short on time who might want to fly within Peru but don’t want to miss out on amazing places like Huacachina Desert Oasis.

Whether you want a one-week trip fully planned in advance, or just hop on a bus and decide as you go, Peru Hop is perfect for every type of traveler.

Don’t be a typical tourist…Discover the REAL Peru with Peru Hop!

Whatsapp us: +51 980 596 779 - click here to open chat!

Email us at with any question you have!

Don’t be a typical tourist, discover the real Peru!

You decide where to start, where to finish and how long you take!


"The Ballestas Islands and National Reserve were probably one of the most stunning places
I saw."


“Can't believe this oasis in the middle of the desert actually exists! It’s absolutely


"It was unbelievable to be in a city surrounded by volcanos. Arequipa was by far my favourite


“With my drone I was able to take a shot of the man-made Floating Islands. It was incredible
and unique!”


Explore more about Peru Hop

What is Peru Hop & How It Works

Click Here - How it Works

What type of people travel on Peru Hop?

Click Here - Who Travels With Us

Want to know about our Irish/Peruvian Founders?

Click Here - About Peru Hop

The Top 20 questions about Peru Hop

Click Here - Frequently Asked Questions